Wednesday, January 29, 2014

ProFlowers Coupons 2014: Up to 50% Off V-Day Flowers w/ Promo Code

Portland, OR -- ( SBWIRE) -- 01/27/2014 -- ProFlowers is an American retailer of flowers and gift products which operates online. Customers may use ProFlowers Promotional Code codes in 2014 to get extra cash savings on top of the great offers already available on Get Up To 50% Off Storewide Plus Coupon Savings Enjoy Free Shipping and Returns View All ProFlowers Promo Codes & Offers

ProFlowers is an online American flowers, floral products and gifts retailer which is based out of San Diego, California. Under the ProFlowers family, there are also the following brands: ProPlants, Red Envelope, Personal Creations and Cherry Moon Farms. It's sales operations are mainly carried out on it's website

ProFlowers first started in 1998 as an online florist. In 2006, the company was sold to Liberty Media Corporation for $477 million. ProFlowers was voted one of California's Best Places to Work in 2007.

The keen competition for customers' wallets amongst online florists and gift retailers means that ProFlowers has to ensure that the offerings on it's website is competitive. As such, during occasions such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, ProFlowers always ensures that it has some of the best, most looked forward to deals on

Besides Black Friday and Cyber Monday, ProFlowers also holds sales and promotions regularly online. Every day of the week, consumers can expect to get significant savings from clearance products as well as deeply discounted products. On special occasions or holidays, such as Valentine' Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, as customers prepare to buy gifts and flowers for loved ones, also holds storewide sales.

When Valentine's Day approaches, it is again the time of the year when millions of Americans buy flowers and gifts for their loved ones to commemorate the occasion and proclaim their love. Valentine's Day is an important occasion for ProFlowers as it derives around 20% of it's annual revenue just from this occasion. ProFlowers has created dozens of beautiful products for Valentine's Day 2014 and customers can take advantage of coupons to get better pricing on flowers fresh from the fields.

Other than taking advantage of the fantastic offers ProFlowers regularly provides on it's website, customers may also use promo codes to get extra savings. Using a ProFlowers coupon, customers can get attractive savings of up to 25% on orders for products such as bouquets, and also get free shipping and returns.

Some of the great promotions being featured on ProFlowers now are:
- 25% off storewide with ProFlowers discount code
- 30 Sweetheart Tulips for Valentine's Day at just $49.97.
- Rosemary Bonsai at $49.99. allows customers to have a convenient way to shop all their flowers, floral products and gift products at attractive prices from the comfort of homes or offices. ProFlowers has a huge variety of products covering all the gifting and floral product needs that consumers have in their households or business locations. The fact that ProFlowers is such a big company means that it can get good economies of scale when negotiating with suppliers. From this cost savings, they can pass on savings in the form of better prices to customers.

Founded in 2012, is an online database of coupon codes and offers from hundreds of online retailers across the United States. Start saving smart by visiting today.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

VaporCigaretteDeals Offers the Best Vapor E Cigarette Coupon Codes in 2014

Deerfield Beach, FL -- ( SBWIRE) -- 01/22/2014 -- Vapor smoking enthusiasts are looking for the most reliable review site available online. As with the growing customer demand for vapor cigarettes there are many review sites cropping up all over the web. And most of these review sites are in a haste to promote brands of vapor cigarettes without even double checking about the quality and the longevity of the brands. So it is extremely important for the customers of vapor cigarettes to choose the most followed review site that offers honest and the Best Vapor E Cigarette Super Sale Codes in 2014. Many customers of vapor cigarettes often expect to buy the coupon codes and yet want to make sure that the brands that they buying are the best in the industry.

Click Here To Know More About The Best Electronic Cigarette Brands 2014.

VaporCigaretteDeals has been many times ranked as one of the most reputed e cigarette review sites on the web. Many vapor smoking enthusiasts highly prefer this site over any other site and it is because of the valid and accurate brand reviews published by the expert review panelists of the site. This site even promotes the vapor cigarette brands but doesn't make it their aim to only promote the brands and even makes a lot of effort in educating the vapor smoking enthusiasts all about vapor cigarette brands. And on this site smokers can even buy the Best Vapor E Cigarette Coupon Codes in 2014.

The official spokesperson of the website added, "We at VaporCigaretteDeals have listed out the top 5 vapor cigarette brands manufactured in the business. And the top brands are EverSmoke, South Beach Smoke, V2 Cigs, Green Smoke and Blu Cigs. The vapor smoking enthusiasts can even avail the Best Vapor E Cigarette Coupon Codes in 2014 for these listed brands."

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About is an electronic cigarette review website that reviews some of the top brands of electronic cigarettes available in the international market.

For more information about contact Michael Smith at +911244110418 FREE or, 3422 SW 15 Street, Suite #5217,Deerfield Beach, FL 33442.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Fernanda Lima: elegante é saber se adaptar

fernanda lima altura-Lima-Vestido-Decotado-Sorteio-Fifa-vestido-Hercé-Leger-2.jpg">Fernanda Lima no sorteio da FIFA com decote que roubou a cena. (Getty Images)

Se destacar mais uma vez pelos seus atributos físicos mundo afora ou mostrar sensibilidade às outras culturas e manter o estilo com um toque de discrição? Fernanda Lima e sua equipe mostraram delicadeza ao optarem pela segunda opção.

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Depois de roubar a cena no sorteio dos grupos da Copa do Mundo com um vestido "bandage", modelo criado pelo estilista Herve Lerger formado por várias tiras e que evidencia to-das as formas, acompanhado de um decote que se tornou mundialmente comentado, Fernanda Lima surgiu mais "contida" no evento Bola de Ouro, realizado esta semana na Suíça.

Não, não estava menos deslumbrante e nem usava algo que não tivesse o estilo dela. Apenas estava mais discreta. O vestido dourado que alçou o nome de Fernanda às manchetes pelo mundo não estava inadequado, nem vulgar: seguia a regra de, para não errar, optar por apenas dois elementos sensuais no mesmo look. No caso, a modelagem ajustada e o decote, que foram compensados pelo comprimento, na altura do joelho.

No entanto, para culturas nas quais a discrição das mulheres não é opção, mas obrigação, o look foi um ultraje: o canal de TV estatal do Irã cortou por diversas vezes a transmissão do evento e Fernanda foi atacada por grupos radicais nas redes sociais.

"Ah, mas dar ouvidos a culturas que escondem suas mulheres atrás de véus, quando não burcas?". Num evento global como a Copa do Mundo as mais diferentes culturas estão unidas pelo esporte. E a elegância, que está acima do que se veste, mas nas atitudes, foi demonstrada por Fernanda Lima através do respeito.

Para apresentação do Bola de Ouro Fernanda Lima não economizou nos brilhos: apareceu reluzente com um vestido bordado a mão do estilista brasileiro Samuel Cirnansck. As formas perfeitas continuaram delineadas, mas dois trunfos foram lançados para manter a discrição: o decote tomara que caia e mangas longas.

Os looks do jantar e da apresentação do Bola de Ouro: discrição. (Reprodução/Instagram)

Aliás, mangas compridas são ótimas aliadas para dosar looks sensuais. No jantar de gala após o evento mais uma vez Fernanda Lima apostou nelas, equilibrando as transparências do longo de Valentino. E marcou de goleada no quesito elegância - atributo que vai além do que os olhos podem ver e mora também na adequação, na postura e no respeito.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Cuatro muertos por un rayo en playa argentina (VIDEO)

<sears henderson nvp>La ciudad balnearia de Villa Gesell, en la costa Atlántica de Argentina y a 370 kilómetros al sur de Buenos Aires, fue escenario de una terrible tragedia cuando un rayo cayó este jueves en la playa Afrika, matando a cuatro personas.

También resultaron heridas 22 personas, entre ellas seis niños.

El alcalde Jorge Rodríguez Erneta, confirmó en efecto en la mañana de este viernes la muerte de Priscila Ochoa, de 16 años de edad, informó el sitio de internet Clarín de esa capital.

Anteriormente, el medio había informado que el desastre "fue a las 16.45 en un balneario cercano al centro. Todo se oscureció de golpe, hubo explosiones y un sector de las carpas fue alcanzado. Murieron tres chicos de Henderson, Junín y San Luis". Ochoa, la cuarta víctima, también es de San Luis.

Los otros tres fallecidos eran de 17, 19 y 20 años de edad: Fabián Irustia, Nicolás Elena y Gabriel Rodríguez, respectivamente.

Villa Gesell tiene algunas de las playas más concurridas de la Argentina y en esta temporada veraniega de vacaciones está especialmente llena de jóvenes. Así describe la desgracia Clarín:

Fue un segundo: las primeras gotas de una tormenta que se veía venir forzaron la retirada de la mayoría de los turistas. Pero todo cambió de golpe y de un momento a otro la playa se convirtió en un escenario de horror: una luz, una bomba, un estruendo, un enorme fogonazo, así describieron los turistas al rayo que cayó en medio del balneario Afrika, ubicado a pocos cuadras del centro geselino y a seis del espigón de pesca. GALERÍA DE RAYOS Y RELÁMPAGOS:

Y entre la descarga directa del rayo y la furia de la onda expansiva, la playa se convirtió en un campo de batalla. Gente que salió volando 10 metros, otros heridos convulsionando, guardavidas haciendo reanimación cardiopulmonar y muchos chiquitos llorando, sin saber qué había pasado. Nadie, en realidad, podía entender lo que había pasado.

Empeoró la situación el hecho que, según explicaba al noticiero argentino Telefé, los guardavidas "no están entrenados para atender a este tipo de víctimas".

Agrega Clarín este testimonio: "Vi una bola de fuego y se escuchó un ruido tremendo; vi a los carperos volar por la explosión tres o cuatro metros y que un muchacho moría calcinado arriba de un cuatriciclo. También murió otro que estaba jugando al fútbol". Así, sin poder salir del shock, vivió Osvaldo García, dueño del balneario Afrika, la tragedia. Informa también Associated Press que "Según medios de prensa, Ochoa era prima de una de las víctimas, Agustín Irustia, y los otros dos que también murieron, habían intentado protegerse de la tormenta en las pequeñas carpas acondicionadas para los veraneantes en el balneario, que como en otros de la costa atlántica argentina periódicamente se desatan lluvias durante el verano austral.

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional informó que el rayo fue causado por una repentina tormenta con gran movimiento de aire ascendente, agua y mucha actividad eléctrica. Al parecer cayó muy cerca del sector de las carpas. La carga eléctrica que aparentemente transmitió la arena mojada alcanzó de lleno a los jóvenes, según testigos, y causó heridas a otras personas que también se habían refugiado.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

PS4 available to order from Amazon and Staples

The Playstation 4 is a hard console to track down at the moment. It popped up Sunday, Jan. 12 at the somewhat unlikely location of office supply retailer Staples though along with Best">Amazon.

The PS4 is available to order from Staples for the usual price of $399.99 by itself and as not part of a bundle as part of an online only deal. Free shipping is available for Rewards Member though everyone has the option of free shipping to their local store for pickup. The expected delivery time frame is 3-5 business days and, of course, sales tax is applicable.

Meanwhile, Amazon has the PS4 available for what is essentially a pre-order that won't be delivered until Jan. 19. Free shipping is available here as well but sales tax may be applicable depending on your state. Update: As expected, the PS4 sold out quickly at Amazon. It is still available at Staples, however. Update 2: The PS4 is now out of stock at Staples as well.

Sony announced last week the Playstation 4 sold more than 4.2 million consoles between its launch on Nov. 15 and Dec. 28. The next-gen console was hard to find prior to Christmas and is just as difficult now as it quickly goes out of stock when it shows up at retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy or GameStop.

You can follow Scott via Facebook, Twitter, RSS feed or email alerts for all the latest game news and deals as well as the weekly Furious Fourcast podcast/videocast. All game news on Examiner can be followed at the Game On Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Members Criticize Paid Sick Day Deal for Lack of Transparency

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito both strode into office this month vowing a new era of collaboration and transparency, but the tactics surrounding their first legislative effort have some council members privately scoffing.

The pair is set to announce a Best Offer this afternoon to dramatically expand mandatory paid sick leave-one of Mr. de Blasio's key campaign promises. But many council members-including even members of Ms. Mark-Viverito's Progressive Caucus-were not consulted on the deal or even made aware of its existence until late last night, when they began receiving calls inviting them to a 1 p.m. press conference in Bushwick to announce it.

"Very few council members were consulted or even in the loop on this deal," said one source familiar with the deal, who said the "top-down approach" had rubbed many the wrong way.

"Is this what it looks like when the mayor runs the City Council? The press hearing about the legislative agenda before members?" asked another source close to the council.

Indeed, some members didn't find out that a deal was in place or a press conference planned until press reports began emerging after 9:30 p.m. And privately, some council members-particularly moderates who did not outwardly embrace the city's recent leftward shift-griped that they had not been consulted.

"It's just like an extension of Quinn and Bloomberg," said one council member, referring to how former Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Speaker Christine Quinn often used to hash out bills together and only later work to compel other council members to support them.

One council source noted that the version of the bill that Mr. de Blasio and Ms. Mark-Viverito seemed poised to revive had a sizable number of detractors in the council when it was first introduced. A watered-down version of the bill that applies to far fewer companies eventually passed and is set to take effect in April.

"It's not a good sign," the source said last night. "Especially for a bill like this that took so long and so many members had various issues with. Members are upset."

"You can't have members learning about a deal on Twitter at 10 p.m. on a Thursday," the person added.

In her victory speech Ms. Mark-Viverito told members that she planned a more inclusive, transparent approach. "Over the past few months, I've laid out for all of you my vision for a speakership that is open, inclusive and transparent. A leadership style that allows all voices to be at the table, helping to shape the direction we take as a legislative body," she'd said then.

Nevertheless, others who were kept out of the loop said they were surprised by the speed and secrecy of the deal, but didn't seem to mind.

"It was a part of the mayor's agenda. It's not surprising," said one such member, who noted that the bill must still go through the standard legislative process. "They'll be hearings and they'll vote on it."

Ms. Mark-Viverito's spokesman and the the mayor's office did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Cop-drama Sleeping Dogs free on Xbox Live deal ends today

<Coupon Codea href="">

Today is your last chance to download a free copy of Square Enix's open-world action game Sleeping Dogs from Xbox Live, provided you're a Gold subscriber.

The game has been available as a free download to keep for Gold subscribers since January 1. Tomorrow, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light will be free for the duration of the month.

Microsoft has not yet announced February's free games. Past freebies from Microsoft's Games with Gold promotion for Xbox 360 have included Halo 3, Assassin's Creed II, and Crackdown, among others.

An Xbox Live Gold subscription is $10/month or $60/year. The Games with Gold promotion is available only on Xbox 360, not Xbox One.

Filed under: Sleeping Dogs United Front Games Xbox 360 Microsoft Lara Croft: Guardian of Light

Thursday, January 9, 2014

CNN FILMS' 'Blackfish' Nabs BAFTA Nomination

via press release:

cnn blackfish FILMS: Blackfish Nabs BAFTA Nom EE British Academy Film Awards Nominates 'Blackfish' as Top Documentary

The influential British Academy of Film and Television Arts has nominated the CNN Films/Magnolia Pictures documentary, BLACKFISH in its category for best documentary. The film, which premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, is directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite and was acquired by CNN Films and Magnolia Pictures, who distributed. It traces the 39-year history of orcas in captivity, and examines the injuries and deaths of orca trainers at theme parks, vividly portraying the consequences of captivity for these animals that have thrilled millions in performances, but which lead a much darker existence when the shows are over.

BLACKFISH debuted as a CNN Films broadcast in October 2013 following its successful film festival and theatrical exhibitions. BLACKFISH continues to drive a sustained conversation, and protest actions by the film's viewers, who have demanded answers to the safety and animal rights issues raised in the film. Several well-known music artists have cancelled their planned perfomances at Sea World parks around the United States in response to petition requests by animal rights groups.

"We congratulate Gabriela and the rest of the team that produced BLACKFISH on the terrific honor of a nomination from BAFTA. This engaging, thought-provoking film continues to inspire, and drive thoughtful conversations about the important issues raised in the film," said Jeff Zucker, president of CNN Worldwide.

About Magnolia

Magnolia Pictures ( is the theatrical and home entertainment distribution arm of the Wagner/Cuban Companies, a vertically-integrated group of media properties co-owned by Todd Wagner and Mark Cuban that also includes the Landmark Theatres chain and AXS TV. Recent releases include the riveting killer whale doc Blackfish, David Gordon Green's Prince Avalanche, Terrence Malick's To The Wonder, Joe Swanberg's Drinking Buddies, Thomas Vinterberg's The Hunt, Danish thriller A Hijacking, Kevin Macdonald's How I Live Now, hit documentaries Muscle Shoals, Jiro Dreams of Sushi and The Queen of Versailles, and the Academy Award nominated A Royal Affair. Magnolia's upcoming releases include Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac, Richard Ayoade's dystopian vision The Double, the raucous Alan Partridge starring Steve Coogan, Lukas Moodysson's We Are the Best!, Norwegian thrillers Pioneer and Ragnarok, and many more.

CNN Films brings documentaries beyond the small screen by developing strategic partnerships to leverage distribution opportunities at film festivals and in theaters. Amy Entelis, senior vice president of talent and content development for CNN Worldwide, and Vinnie Malhotra, senior vice president of development and acquisitions for CNN Worldwide, oversee the acquisition strategy of documentaries for CNN Films. Malhotra manages the day-to-day operation of CNN Films, and works directly with filmmakers to develop original projects.

CNN Worldwide is a portfolio of two dozen news and information services across cable, satellite, radio, wireless devices and the Internet in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Domestically, CNN reaches more individuals on television, the web and mobile devices than any other cable TV news organization in the United States; internationally, CNN is the most widely distributed news channel reaching more than 271 million households abroad; and CNN Digital is a top network for online news, mobile news and social media. Additionally, CNN Newsource is the world's most extensively utilized news service partnering with hundreds of local and international news organizations around the world. CNN is division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner Company.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Netflix Tests Discount Pricing

<Best Dealsp> Posted 01/03/2014 07:00 PM ET

7 The streaming video giant is testing a $6.99-a-month plan for viewing content on 1 screen at a time, likely to compete with Amazon's ( AMZN) $6.67-a-month Prime membership, which offers video and shipping services. Netflix's ( NFLX) test rate is $1 less than its current $7.99 basic price, which lets users stream to 2 screens at once. Netflix fell 1.2%. Amazon dipped 0.4%.